Moa Musem | eboli tour
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eboli tour

Badia San Pietro alli Marmi
In the caves of this ancient Norman abbey seven monks lost their lives during the bombardment of August 4, 1943.

Historical structure and San Francesco’s Church
It was the refuge for displaced persons after the first bombing of summer 1943. Here was the City Hall which was destroyed by the bombings of August 4 of the same.

Castello Colonna
The home to a German workstation with radio link from July to September of 1943.

Tabacchificio SAIM loc. Fiocche
Here there was an important battle between German and American troops September 15, 1943.

Via Gaetano Genovese (Palazzo Conti – palazzo Palladino La Francesca)

This is old and important street of the old town where there are two old aristocratic buildings damaged on Aug. 4, 1943.

Via Antonio Giudice

Street of the old town where you can still see the ruins of an entire neighborhood that was destroyed during the bombing of August 4th, 1943.

Area San Giovanni:

From the end of September 1943 it was the site of a camp of Allied soldiers, then was a field for Chetnik soldiers and, since 1947, the field of shack dwellers, homeless local families.

Piazza Borgo:

Here in 1948 was completed and inaugurated by Ambassador USA, an urban intervention, defined the “American houses” made from ‘UNRRA-Casas (United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration) organization that managed the funds of the ERP program (European Ricovery Programm) .